
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Early Post Today

We are being hit with an ice storm today and I am sure power is going to go out - so I wanted to get this out early. Just an adorable Calvin and Hobbes cartoon. TOO CUTE! Take care and keep warm!

Monday, January 26, 2009

As Promised:

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dr Seussims..

I have a book that is called Seuss-isms. It is really cute. Little quotes from the various books that have been written. Well I found one that fits my mood for today. It is as follows:

Please let me be.
Please go away.
I am NOT going
to get up today!

The picture is of a little boy in bed. Well, that is how I feel today. Not grouchy.. but sick. Not feeling my best. Chad also. In fact, we took him to the ER because he has a large bump on the side of his face and I am STILL convinced that it is a tooth abscess. The Dr. said it was just a skin infection and gave him antibiotics. But, we will see. Anyway.. hope I am not getting sick. I have a talk Tuesday night and need to get it together (besides what is written in my head). While exploring picture for tonights blog.. I came across an adorable poem supposedly written by Dr. Seuss (i kind of doubt that). I will include it in tomorrows blog. Something to look forward to!! g'night all.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

So sorry! Please forgive me!

Just wanted to apologize for not writing on my blog for a few weeks. I have just been distracted and kind of lost focus... But I am BACK! I will be writing at least a few times a week, if not daily. Look for some new info coming soon!